Scripture Reading - James 1:3-4

3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.
4 But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. KJV

While we are here on this earth the operation of our “faith” is critical. Since our Loving Heavenly Father transfers His numerous blessings to us through “faith” we must “know” specific truths about our “faith”. One truth that is mentioned in verse 3 states that, “faith works patience”. This word “worketh” in verse 3 according to the King James Version is translated “develops” in the New International Version and “produces” in the New King James Version. In brief we can conclude that, “faith enhances patience”. Knowing this truth is very important for every believer because it sets the stage for a ten (10) round boxing match or a fifteen (15) year doctor program (8 educational with 7 years of residency) to obtain a medical license. The ten round boxing match represents a hard fought battle that drains your physical energy in a very short time. This type of match requires intense training and specific conditioning to last through the fight. This mindset of proper preparation is usually what gives the boxer and their trainer the mental edge (confidence) that they will win the fight. The experience boxer knows that he will get hit with some punches but he is built to withstand it. They know if they can remain “patient” they don’t have to win by knockout but by decision if they win the majority of the rounds. This overcoming attitude of the believer understands they must fight the good fight of “faith”, because when we fight in faith with patience present we always win in Christ Jesus. Similarly the fifteen-year period of preparation to be a licensed doctor reminds each and every believer that “patience” is necessary for maturing success. The virtue of “patience” is that it tempers the mind and stills the emotions for a long journey. No one likes to think of something taking a long time to come to fruition but that is a reality for tests of endurance. Does the medical student know that at least eight years of study is required? Yes! Does the medical student know that several years of hands-on residency is in addition to a successful eight years of college education? Of course! So why does it seem strange to a Christian that “patience” has a part to play in our walk with God. The Lord is full of patience, so we must be filled with patience in faith to be full of God’s Spirit. We must train ourselves to be “patient” in heart while we are waiting for the Word (wisdom) of God to manifest in our life. Therefore be patient when using your faith knowing that time can never run out on you because you can never run-out (expire) in God. Amen!